Sunday, August 24, 2014

Body Odor Makes Me Sad

Nolan had just started to need deodorant occasionally.  It wasn't an all the time thing.  He was a little behind on hitting puberty. 

Liam seems ahead of the game.  Body hair, growth, and body odor.  He's got it all. 

Today, he smelled up the van so badly with his body odor.  He had played soccer yesterday then went to a sleepover.  At the sleepover, they rode bikes.  He had no deodorant and didn't shower.  Boy did he smell.

I felt sad thinking that I never really dealt with that with Nolan. 

I'm so sick and angry with God with the world.  If there was a God that cared, Nolan wouldnt' have died.  If there was a God that cared, I could receive some sort of powerful sign because I NEED IT. 

There's no one up there that cares about me.

1 comment:

  1. We're linked on Bubblews and thought I'd check out your site. My heart aches for you. I can't begin to imagine being in your shoes. I have one son, 35 years old. He was my whole world when he was young and he saved my life many times. Without him I would've succumbed to death long ago.
    This blog is a great release for you. I'll be back!
