Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Signs from our Lost Loved Ones

I ask for signs and I do not get them.
Some would beg to differ as I have shared a couple stories of touching coincidences.   Although the coincidences felt like a small gift from my son, these weren't quite the signs that I hoped for. 

Stories abound of visits in the night during a state of sleep or scents that could only be some supernatural or sounds or feelings. 

I have had nothing like that.  Nothing.

I have prayed to God and asked for something, even just some sort of comfort.  I tried praying and praying in the beginning.  I felt empty.  I stopped praying.

It makes it hard to have faith. 

A mother who loses her child like I did needs something, SOMETHING!  If there is a God who cares, you would think He would be sympathetic. 

But no. 



  1. I hear you and I can relate. I do think signs come. But we are too busy insisting on signs that we miss the signs. I also think that when we start relaxing and letting go of the expectation of a sign, then the signs (and even visits) come. Good luck to you. I hope a sign and some peace comes. (DawnRae from bubblews)

  2. I'm very sorry for you loss. Prayers aren't always answered in ways we understand, but don't give up.
