Sunday, April 14, 2013


i wonder when it won't hurt so much to read about other people's blessings....

i know, i know that I'm still blessed with my four on earth children,my loving husband, my extended friends and family, love,kindness,..

but all i can think of is the blessing that was stolen from me....  my sweet Nolan is gone.  it hurts to see everyone else going on


  1. hi jillybean1222, =)
    while i'm blogwalking,i saw ur's blog.Yeah,to be true,u touched my feelings so bad.. ='( i'm sorry about your's son.He certainly a good and an obey son,right? I hope you can face the days ahead with courage.I'm know how hurts it was to lost our precious one.Be Strong! =)

  2. I'm one that feels totally blessed but I would give it all up in a heart beat if you could just spend a moment with Nolan again. I hurt for you daily. I know that you (and the rest of us) will see God's plan in all of this one day. I sure wish we could know what it is now. I want to give you words of comfort but I have the same questions as you. I want the same answers that you are looking for.
