Tuesday, April 16, 2013


i spent much of today looking at pictures of you... mostly from about the age of 5 to the age of 8.  somehow these younger pics of you don't break my heart as much as the ones from recently... i think the more recent ones just emphasize more of what we have lost.  i don't know. 

i'm going to put together a special photo book for each of the siblings of pictures of them with nolan.  boy, liam's book could be 500 pages with so many pics of the two of them... heck, i'm probably underestimating... it's going to be a long project.  iw ill start & work on them... poor ella.  she only got to be with nolan for 2 years... it doesn't seem fair, but then, none of this does....


  1. Arrange a vacation to countryside and you will feel relaxed.

  2. Majid, I have been thinking a vacation would be helpful
