Monday, December 8, 2014

Viral Myocarditis Brings Fear

Two years ago, I had never heard the words "Viral Myocarditis."
 What I would give to go back to that time before I knew about it.  What I would give to go back to a time where I didn't know how it can ruin lives.  What I would give. 

Myocarditis killed my son. 

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart that can be caused by numerous things, but the most common is a virus. 

Is it some bizarre unusual or rare virus?


Sadly, it is not. 

Any virus that strikes any person can decide to go haywire and attack the human heart.  And without warning, your child can die in their sleep. 

When this happened, the doctor told me that it is just so rare.  So rare. 

Yet, I joined a group on Facebook and I see many, many people who have experienced the same thing as I.  If their child or loved one didn't die in their sleep, they collapsed in front of them, never to wake. 

Some survive. 

Some are conscientious of their symptoms and seek medical help in time. 

The problem is the vagueness of the symptoms. 

There can be chest pains, of course, but sometimes there are not.  There can stomach aches, flu symptoms, headaches, fatigue.  The heart rate will most likely be elevated. 

But guess what?  So many other viruses have those symptoms that it is often missed! 
So now I live in fear. 
I fear for my other children, my husband, myself.  I am so scared of contracting any virus.  so scared. 
I can't seem to become one of those people who remember to use the hand sanitizer constantly, but that is what I want!!!  I don't want my children to touch anything. 
Of course, I can't stop that.  We are social creatures who interact with others on a daily basis. 
If we don't, my husband does. 
I pray and pray and pray that God will let all the viruses skip us this year. 
Because I am so freaking scared.

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