Saturday, November 2, 2013

i feel like I'm having a nervous breakdown

The last week has been miserable, yes, they are all miserable to an extent, but the last week had been even worse.  I'm crying constantly and having anxiety attacks several times daily.  When not having a full on attack, I'm constantly anxious.  It's taking a toll on me.  I'm not feeling healthy at all, I'm even more exhausted, and my house is even messier than usual.  I can't focus, my poor kids...I feel like I'm bein g such a bad mom to them.  I feel like I need a companion to just come sit and hold my hand through my anxiety attacks, or to do my laundry, or to take care of my kids while I cry in my room.  I went to the Dr and am starting on an antibiotic which will hopefully help my breathing and an daily anxiety pill, but that takes a couple weeks to notice please pray for me.  I need it.


  1. Michael and I were talking about PTSD In Vietnam veterans with a friend and he shared a thought from a book he had read recently.... Who was really crazy? The Vietnam veterans who went through the horrors of war and were expected to function like normal people, or those of us who have no idea the things they went through and yet expected them to act normal? I think about this when I think about you and your family... Those who expect you guys to "act normal" after the pain and loss you have suffered are the ones who are confused.

    I don't always know what to say, but I think about you guys nearly everyday. I know these next few months are going to be hard. Love and hugs.

  2. (this is Ashley Crist by the way)
