Monday, November 18, 2013

unable to keep up with anything, especially my house

I would be extremely humiliated if anyone who helped with all the work around my house in January were to walk in the door right now.  I would hang my head in shame and probably never be able to look them in the eye again.... My house is a mess.

I've never been a great housekeeper, but I do TRY.... I try....

Seriously though, between my anxiety attacks that have made me physically feel ill, Ella being sick, lack of good spirit period, I can't seem to get motivated to anything.  I can't keep up.  I'm not good at having the kids help.  Oh I will say "logan pick up the living room" and he'll pick it up, but it's not clean... he's just picked up some of the clutter. Or Ciara will decide to vacuum.  I miss my old living room rug.... the one that we have now shows every single spec of dirt.  I can vacuum it and five minutes later it looks dirty.  the old rug was beautiful rich colors and shag and you couldn't see any dirt!  So the kids help, don't get me wrong.... But it's not enough.  Nolan was my truly good helper.  If I asked him to do a job, he did it completely.  Not tryin to compare everyone to him.  He was older. And therefore, he should have been better at it. 

I have tried getting rid of things, but they just continue to pile up.  Everything is just a mess.  And I just can't get it clean.  It's horrible.  I think being depressed and sad just doesn't help.  My energy level is blah. 

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