Saturday, November 16, 2013

Nolan was the Exception, I think

I look at all my children, all of whom I love deeply.  I see their qualities, I see their faults.  I see things that I want them to work on, I see things that I know is just a phase (i.e. being a 12 year old boy!).  I see Liam acting like every boy I remember from that age acting... silly, boyish, rowdy, goofy sense of humor, difficulty sitting still.  I think he still shows respect, which is important, but he may not always pay attention when he should.  He's a goofball & I love that about him.  I know that someday the silly things that make boys laugh at the age of 12 won't necessarily make him laugh when he's an adult, or even 15.  Nolan was a goofball too.  He seemed to have an easier way about him though.  He naturally knew how to be polite and respectful and saved his goofiness for the proper times.  Liam is polite and respectful, but he doesn't always remember to save the goofball antics for the right time because HE IS A 12 YEAR OLD BOY!   I think Nolan was the exception, really.  From my own experiences growing up, from kids I have known through my life, Liam is the one who acts like I think 12 year olds normally do.... silly.  goofy.    He's a good kid.  He has a big heart and always wants to do what is right.  He loves his family.  He loves God.  He's just a boy for goodness sakes.

And you know, I'm glad.  I am glad that even after losing his brother, his best friend AND being the one to find him, that he can still act like a normal 12 year old.  I'm glad that he finds things like farting funny, even though I don't.  And I am proud of him.

Logan is hyper and can't seem to sit still.  he too likes to act silly.  again, I'm glad!  I'm glad he can act silly after all we have been through.  He'll mature eventually and settle down and I know he's a good kid too.  Having older brothers, he seems to grasp onto that silly dumb boy humor at an earlier age then they did.  But someday, he will be a great grown up young man.  I'm already proud of him.

Ciara is a girl and all girl.  She's going through the tough lessons that girls have to go through, learning that you have to be true to your friends, that you have to be kind to others even if sometimes you don't feel like it.  Girls are snarky, girls are mean.  Ciara falls into the same trap as all girls do at times, but we talk about it and she will learn.  And she has a big heart and will eventually make someone the most wonderful friend in the world.  and when she grows up, I know she will always want to help people, bbecause that is what she does now.

So I think Nolan was the exception.  All of this growing up stuff seemed to come pretty easy for him.  He rarely seemed insecure.  He knew when to do what.  It was just his personality.  I don't love him any more or any less than the others.  I love them each for their own beautiful selves. 

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