Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sometimes it hurts to look at your face

how is that possible?  but sometimes looking at pictures of you gets my heart hurting, my soul crying, my brain aching.  I look at those beautiful images and realize that is ALL that I have left.  I look at the ones from just days before your death and I think WHY DIDN'T I KNOW SOMETHING WAS WRONG????   now that I see them, you look so skinny.  of course, we had all been fighting a bug.  I didn't know such a horrible virus could kill my son. 
even though it hurts, I will never stop looking at your face though.  I need to see you as much as I am able.


  1. Hello, I clicked on your name where I saw your comment on the other blog- about April and Daniel losing their sons in the tornado. Your comment, of all of them, really struck me- I am so beyond sorry about your son. I don't have much more to say- I may look over a few of your blog posts- please just know that God does love you. You mentioned in that other comment that you still can't forgive God for taking away your son. I'm here- a real mom just like you- to tell you that forgiveness is a gift to YOU, to yourself. I pray that you are able to find forgiveness to your creator and savior, to have peace in knowing that your son has moved on, that he was and IS loved... I don't normally comment on strangers' blogs but I really feel for you. Just know that one more person in the world is praying for you, praying for strength to get through the tragedy of losing a child, such a beautiful, joyous child from your photos of him- and also praying for you to find forgiveness, understanding, and compassion for your Lord. Best to you.

    1. Thank you +hopingformore33 so much for your kind comment. There's such comfort in hearing from you. I'm not sure why, but it helps me.
